If you would like to charge goods to a CSL credit account but you don't already have an account, please register, and download an Account Application Form from our website or phone/email us to send you a copy which will need to be faxed or posted to us for processing. In the case of new credit accounts, we will require at least the first two payments to be made by direct bank transfer, cash, Visa, Mastercard or American Express. A credit limit will apply to your credit account. Once we have accepted your application and set up your credit account, all accounts are due for payment strictly 20th of month following invoice. Failure to pay your account on time will result in a charge of 2% per month calculated on a daily basis from the date payment was due until payment is made in full.
Please enter your details below to log in your account.
Fill in your email below to request a new password. An email will be sent to the address below containing a link to verify your email address..